05. Recruiting the Creative Team

Bringing Together an Inclusive, Collaborative, and Vibrant Creative Team.

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People are the heart of any creative project, and our creative team is a testament to that belief. Here is a bit about our process; may it help illuminate your recruitment efforts.

Artistic leadership. We aligned ourselves our creative director early in the process and he played a role in shaping the scope of the project and grant proposal and recruiting the rest of the creative team. In addition to an esteemed professional career, Christian Camargo has deep roots in the community and was already thinking along the same lines as us.

Once we secured funding, we intensified our efforts to recruit artists and creatives who could contribute unique perspectives and skills to the project. We issued the call for artists through our broad coalition of partners to reach a diverse pool of talent.

Creative team included:

  • Creative director
  • Writer
  • Musical team of two who wrote the score
  • Assemblage artist
  • Choreographer
  • Costume designer
  • Video designer
  • Set designers and builders
  • Sound and lighting artist
  • Stage manager
  • Filmmakers to document the process

Connection to Place

It was important to us that the performance be grassroots and have a strong connection to place.

We shaped our program to both suit and reflect our community’s unique characteristics, and this was reflected in the recruitment process.

We recommend that nonprofits consider resources that are abundant in their communities and adapt the process and performance accordingly. 

Rooted in location: Our musical directors and composers, Gabriella Evaro and Tyler Saraca known collectively as Q.varo, are longtime community members. (Gabba (pictured) was born and raised here.) Their work is part of the musical landscape for which the area is known. Assemblage artist Bobby Furst is deeply rooted in the Joshua Tree community. For Tapestry he created a playable dome which served as a centerpiece of the performance.

Helpful Tips

Collaborative Mindset

Given the meaning of the Tapestry story, our goal was to create an environment where everyone could contribute and fit in harmoniously. This approach was like weaving a tapestry; every thread and color needed to blend well together. We kept the importance of collaboration in mind when recruiting creative team members.


Expect the unexpected and stay flexible. Mismatches sometimes happen, life circumstances happen, and group makeups change. A creative director who is in tune with the group dynamic and the creative resource in the community, and who is responsive to potential team problems, can help if team problems arise.

Strong Creative Leadership

The creative director role is paramount to the success of the program. We were fortunate to partner with a highly experienced and multi faceted theater professional.

Many of the techniques and approaches utilized in Tapestry sprang from our creative director, Christian Carmargo, and he jumped in often to make Tapestry the performance a reality.

Not all communities are a three hour drive from Hollywood, and not all have a Christian. If you don’t have access to a professional-level creative director, you may consider seeking additional support from a veteran run theater company.


Even with a deep pool of collective talent and experience, Tapestry was a large, demanding project that required commitment and significant time, in addition to skill. 


Tapestries Toolkit
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